About the Quevedo Institute of Arts of Humour

The Quevedo Institute of Arts of Humour (IQH, from its acronym in Spanish) is a centre for the study, dissemination and research of humour in all of its forms.

Its creation was approved by the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá’s Board of Trustees at its meeting on 20 December 2011. Through the IQH, the Foundation is taking a qualitative step to broaden, transform and propel its graphic humour programme toward the academic and university sphere.

The Institute aspires to be a pioneer in the university and in society, even beyond our borders, given the important contribution of humour, in its different forms, to all areas of our social reality and especially in the fields of culture, literature, communication, politics and entertainment.

Why We Do It: Our Objectives

About Us

The Quevedo Institute of Arts of Humour is led by an academic director, Tomás Gallego, and two technical directors, Julio Rey Melijosa and Ángeles González Sinde. This leadership team is advised by the IQH Board of Directors, comprised of representatives from all areas of the world of humour, as well as advisers in the fields of education, health, psychology, journalism, etc.

Antonio Mingote †


José Mª Pérez Peridis


José Luis Martín Zabala


Ángeles González Sinde


Tomás Gallego


Juan García Cerrada


Board of Directors

Manuel Álvarez Junco

Juan Bas

Juan Luis Cano

Jaume Capdevila Herrero

Nieves Concostrina

Jesús Damián Fernández Solís

Raquel Garcia i Ulldemolins

Begoña García Larrauri

José María García Sombría

Marta González de Vega

Goyo Jiménez

Raquel Martos

Natalia Meléndez Malavé

Luis Piedrahita

Carlos Ysbert

Maite del Val

Omar Zevallos

Jesús Zulet Izura

Our team

Juan García Cerrada

José Lorenzo Sánchez

Dina Oprea

Adrián Arriola Algaba

Where are we?


September to May

Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 15:00

Monday to Thursday, 16:00 to 18:00


Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 15:00

Monday and Tuesday, 16:00 to 18:00


Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 15:00

August: Closed


Our Partnerships​

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